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7 Pro Tips to Attract, Retain, and Lead Gen Z in 2023

Gen Z at the workplace

Meet Generation Z, the game-changers of both the marketplace and the workforce. Born between 1997 and 2012, this cohort is stepping into their purchasing and professional power, ready to shape industries in profound ways. Tech-savvy, socially conscious, and keen on authenticity, they're not just adapting to the world; they're actively reshaping it.

Why should you care? Simple. By 2023, Gen Z is expected to make up 40% of all consumers. But it's not just about numbers; it's about influence. Their values, preferences, and unique digital-first mindset are setting the trend for what the market will look like in the years to come.

Get it right with Gen Z, and you're aligning with a powerful force that's redefining success and value. We've got the 7 pro tips that'll help you attract, retain, and lead this pivotal generation in 2023.

Who is Gen Z?

Who exactly is Generation Z? According to the Pew Research Center, anyone born from 1997 onward falls under this category. While the edges of this generational divide can be a bit blurry, the traits that define them are crystal clear.

First off, they're digital natives. While Millennials witnessed the rise of the internet, Gen Z was born into a world where smartphones and social media are the norms. This has made them highly tech-savvy and hyper-aware of digital trends.

Second, they lean progressive. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history, with notably liberal views on topics like LGBTQ+ rights, racial equality, and climate change. Their worldview is an expectation for the brands and leaders they choose to engage with.

Why Should Businesses Care?

Gen Z is about to become the next big thing in both the economy and the labor force. It's estimated that by 2025, Gen Z will make up about 27% of the workforce. Not just employees, they're also becoming significant consumers with a purchasing power that's only set to grow.

They're not just a younger version of previous generations. They've got their own unique set of values, expectations, and ways of engaging with the world. Gen Z values authenticity, transparency, and social responsibility. Traditional advertising doesn't cut it for them; they crave real connections and meaningful interactions. They're not just looking to buy a product; they're looking to buy into your brand's story and ethics.

Tip 1: Speak Their Digital Language

Navigating the digital realm isn't just second nature to Gen Z; it's their first language. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram are places where Gen Z forms opinions, makes choices, and even champions causes. So, if you're looking to connect, speak their digital dialect fluently.

Know your platforms. TikTok is for bite-sized, entertaining content, while Instagram excels at visually rich storytelling. Next, be authentic. Gen Z can spot a hard sell from a mile away, so focus on engaging them with real stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or user-generated content that aligns with their values.

The goal isn't just to grab their attention; it's to hold it, foster a conversation, and ultimately, turn them into brand advocates. In short, be less of a broadcaster and more of a digital conversationalist to make a genuine impact.

Tip 2: Prioritize Values and Authenticity

Gen Z craves authenticity and they value brands that stand for something—especially if those values mirror their own progressive viewpoints. Steer clear of performative activism; shallow gestures will be called out. Instead, make a long-term commitment to causes, whether it's sustainability or social justice. Brands like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry's have nailed this by incorporating activism as a core part of their identity, not just a marketing gimmick. By genuinely investing in causes they care about, you're not just selling a product but also buying into a relationship based on shared values.

Tip 3: Understand Their Spaces

Engaging with Gen Z means understanding their niche communities and closed social spaces—think Discord, Reddit, or even specific Instagram circles. The trick here is not to come off as an outsider barging in. Instead, you want to enter these spaces as a respectful visitor who's genuinely curious and willing to add value. So, how do you do that?

First, listen. Figure out the group's dynamics, what they care about, and how they communicate. Then, contribute to the dialogue in a meaningful way. Maybe you share a piece of valuable advice or chime in with some insightful comments. Your goal is to be seen as a welcome contributor, not an intrusive marketer.

Tip 4: Tap Into FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Gen Z, with its constant connection to the digital world, is especially susceptible to the "Fear of Missing Out." Leveraging this can be a game-changer for your marketing strategy. How? Time-sensitive offers and posts can really stir the pot. Think 24-hour flash sales or limited-release products. The scarcity drives urgency and taps directly into that FOMO.

Choosing the right platforms for these time-sensitive events is crucial. Instagram Stories and TikTok are your go-tos here. Why? Well, they're already designed to be fleeting, and they're platforms where Gen Z hangs out the most. Post your flash deals or limited-time offers here, and watch as Gen Zers jump at the opportunity, afraid they'll miss out if they don't act fast. 

Tip 5: Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is like gold in the marketing world, especially for reaching Gen Z. They trust reviews and testimonials from real people far more than any glossy ad. Got a satisfied customer? Encourage them to share their experience on social media, maybe even offer a small incentive for their trouble. Once you have that UGC, flaunt it. Feature these authentic reviews on your website, in your ads, or even as part of your social media content strategy. The point is, if Gen Z sees real people enjoying your product, they're more likely to hop on the bandwagon themselves.

Tip 6: Adopt a Multi-Platform Strategy

Gen Z is everywhere—Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, you name it. They seamlessly toggle between devices, too. So, if you're focusing on just one platform, you're missing out big time. Adopt a multi-platform strategy that spans various social channels and even goes into email and the web. Coordinate your campaigns so that a Gen Z'er who sees your ad on TikTok can find more in-depth info on your blog. This multi-touch approach not only amplifies your message but also creates a more cohesive and immersive brand experience. It's all about being where they are when they are.

Tip 7: Keep the Learning Curve Steep

In the fast-paced world of Gen Z, yesterday's trends are ancient history. That's why your marketing game needs to be as agile as they are. Stick to your long-term strategy, sure, but don't get too comfy. Be ready to pivot when a new trend or platform emerges. Continuously experiment with campaigns, messaging, and channels. The learning curve should be steep; you've got to evolve as quickly as they do. This balance of stability and nimbleness will keep your brand relevant and exciting to a generation that thrives on change.


Ready to crack the Gen Z code? These seven tips aren't just a nice-to-have; they're your playbook for resonating with a generation that's redefining consumer engagement. They're digitally savvy, value-driven, and not afraid to jump ship if your brand doesn't measure up. Mastering their digital lingo, keeping it real, and staying ahead of the curve isn't just about racking up likes or follows. It's about building a sustainable relationship with the folks who are shaping our economy and culture right now. So, whether it's FOMO-inducing deals, authentic storytelling, or multi-platform campaigns, remember: with Gen Z, it's go big or go home.